03 5245 8323

Tax planning and tax minimisation

Geelong tax planning specialists

The Keleman & Associates tax planning and tax minimisation service can help you implement tax saving strategies to minimise your taxation liabilities and maximise your after-tax income.

The expert tax accounting team at Keleman &Associates will reduce your taxation liabilities using careful planning and legitimate tax minimisation strategies such as:

  • splitting taxable income
  • deferring tax liabilities via investments
  • investments that produce income exempt from tax
  • tax deductions gained via investments you enjoy, such as a holiday home.

Our tax accountants will devise taxation minimisation strategies that can help you build your wealth. These tax planning strategies may apply to your personal tax, business tax or taxation attached to your self-managed superannuation fund.

Keleman and Associates can also help you with other taxation and accounting issues such as:

Talk to one of our specialist Geelong tax accountants at Keleman & Associates today about your tax minimisation and accounting needs. We are located in the heart of the Highton shopping centre. Contact us to make an appointment today.